With not much response to my last message on the subject, and time running out on Siwale's term as TNP delegate, the prospects don't look good for the Forest/TNP issues themed event we had been discussing. I'm just not sure there exists a critical mass of enthusiasm for making this happen. There was zero interest in the multi-Pacific Discord based Harry Potter event, which I feel was entirely the right response.
Meanwhile I've had a message from Dead I Jack, Culture Officer from the Rejected Realms, who apparently has some ideas for possible events to discuss with us. I've invited them to either post those ideas here or TG them to me (in which case I'll post them here). We did include a commitment to joint events in our treaty with TRR and they do have an impressively rich cultural scene, so I hope that will present more of an opportunity,
I thought the writing contest was brilliant, both for what it was in itself and as a flagship event that attracted attention across a range of regions.