Ban On Capital Punishment
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: United Massachusetts
Having already presented its rationale in GA 438,
Restating, however, that the death penalty institutionalizes a model of justice with only retributive value, a model inherently flawed in its assertion that violence and killing are best dealt with by more bloodshed,
Concerned that the use of capital punishment prevents nations from taking steps to correct errors in their legal process, the most grave and final sentence having already been delivered,
Believing that life sentences and other alternative punishments better provide criminals with the opportunities to repent for their wrongs and improve their habits,
Asserting that justice is best served without the death penalty, for it is cruel, condemns certain innocent people to death, and rejects the affirmation that all sapient life is valuable by its very existence,
The General Assembly, at long last, invoking its august power in this present session assembled, and by the advice and consent of its delegates and member nations, hereby:
Declares that no member state may execute any person under its jurisdiction,
Mandates that member nations commute any death sentences handed down within their jurisdiction, and instead determine through their legal processes an alternative punishment,
And prohibits member nations from extraditing individuals to a foreign nation where they are likely to face execution or capital punishment in line with prohibited punishment above.
Co-authored by: Imperium Anglorum