Mount Seymour For some reason headings require a space in front of the text... which is quite odd - but it's a large heading! ? smallheading ? it's a Subtitle is this even something? ^ four ####s, why yes it is! So you can center things and even use italics just like on NS! ? A bullet list too unlike this one which is markdown! BIG bold whee! You can write in colours too!
Mount Seymour Mount Seymour whee! You can write in colour ^ that's a quote using markdown, that looks like this: > @MountSeymour#8 whee! You can write in colour Someone wrotethis is another quote with BBcode ^ that one looks just like NS n3 Mount Seymour < that's a tag
Mount Seymour DarthedDroids I don't think you can add colours to your signature (unfortunately) but you can add spoilers ? [details=yourtexthere]boo![/details] Looks like this: yourtexthereboo!
Mount Seymour Turbeaux Hmmm, testing that out now. DarthedDroids I guess signatures were just meant to be plain. ?
Mount Seymour Uan-aa-Boa Hmm, okay. I'll have to look into it. I haven't been able to log into another freeflarum forum as well because it keeps throwing me an error.
Uan-aa-Boa Sorted now - thanks if that was you Mount Seymour. Also, a post I had tried to make only to receive an error message has now appeared 4 times! I guess I was persistent in the face of that error message.
Mount Seymour Wasn't me, no, but the error does appear to be fixed on my end as well. What a Persistent Uan looks like: Apparently you stopped persisting after a time, because the message you managed to post was completely different ?
Uan-aa-Boa Mount Seymour Apparently you stopped persisting after a time, because the message you managed to post was completely different ? 3 days is a long time in politics.