Fallow deers in the mist. This fallow deer (Dama dama) male is in the mating season, known for the snore-like sounds they make in order to show their strength to the other males. It is in Sierra del Sueve (Asturias, Spain), a mountain range where fog is specially common and ther is a yew forest considered to be the biggest in western Europe (and it is specially unknown).

The migrant. This bird is a young northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in the Cantabric Sea in front of Cape de Ajo (Cantabria, Spain).

Love in the heart of Iberia. This are the famous Iberian lynxes (Lynx pardinus), formerly known because of being the most endangered feline, however, their populations have increased enough to not be in the verge of extinction (There were only 100 in their worst years). This couple was in their mating season in Sierra de Andújar (Jaén, Andalusia, Spain).