First Bug Report!

Normally, it's a breeze to sign into this site. However, there appears to be one page in particular that has been troublesome. Whenever I browse the Members page, and then subsequently sign in (pressing the 'sign in' button in the corner), I am redirected to this page:
From User Page

The url seems to be normal, but the page is a 404 redirect. The thing is, the site clearly logs me in. When the main forum page is opened in a second window, I'm signed in. Through experimenting, signing in specifically on the Members page is the only one that gives the above error message so far. Any thoughts on this?

    AltmerDominion Thanks for the report!

    The members page is from this extension:

    Apparently if you don't have the right permissions, you see a 404. I thought I had set it to global access, but when I checked the admin controls it had the admin icon greyed out instead of the global icon. Not sure quite what that meant, but I reset it to global.

    I deliberately logged in on the Members page this time around, and the problem appears to be fixed. Thank you for the quick response!

    9 days later

    Hmm. I have a couple...

    In the meantime, is there any chance we can add a committee tag? I think it is likely that this will be the place committees happen. I could be wrong though so don't worry about sticking it in if it is a headache to do.

      Caracasus I’ve added one and placed it as a sub-tag under Regional Government if that makes sense. ?

      EDIT: Also, if you need to create threads that are only viewable/respondable to certain members, you just put their names in the “recipients” box when you’re creating a new thread, and it automatically becomes private thread.

        Could the campaign threads be cleared out now that we have an elephant tending Forest? They could be archived and placed into a dispatch or something.

          9 days later

          Areulder I was joking about that in another thread but yes, I second that! To be fair, I think Seymour has to chose them from a fairly limited selection.

            Turbeaux Unfortunately fa-atlas looks to be one that was added in FA 5.1, meaning it's not going to be available for me to use here (I think the current software only has up to FA 4.0, though I assume that will change with the next update).

              Areulder It is version 5.something and MS only has access to 4.0 currently. Definitely one to consider in the future though!

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