10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: May 2018
Population: 1309 (- 11)
Delegate Endorsements: 410 (+ 42)
Forum: 10000islands.proboards.com
The following is the Emissary Report for May 2018.
As of this report's publication, the government of 10000 Islands consists of:
~ Chief Executive: Woonsocket
~ WA Delegate: Alkasia
~ Senior Senator of Lyonesse East: Flemingisa
~ Senator of Himes West: Siuts
~ Senator of Blue Canaria North: Kozmix
~ Senator of New Republica South: Jabberwocky
~ Minister of Immigration: Lethoica
~ Minister of Labor: Paffnia
~ Minister of Education: United Royal Islands
Political News
- Jabberwocky was elected as the Senator for New Republica South, after an intense election for the position. Congratulations! Also, thank you for your service, Ater Nox.
- Kozmix was re-elected as the Senator of Blue Canaria North. Congratulations!
- Tuga Nation's Dragon resigned as the Minister of Immigration, after a year of hard work and dedicated recruiting. Thank you for your service!
- Lethoica was nominated as the new Minister of Immigration. Congratulations!
TITO Command
As of the publication of this report, TITO command consists of:
~ Commander-in-Chief: Woonsocket
~ Tactical Officer: Kortexia
~ Tactical Officer: Kanta Hame
~ Tactical Officer: Sorya
~ Tactical Officer: Aersoldorf
~ EF Tactical Officer: Smugglers and Mercs
~ Executive Officer: Hakketomat
Military News
- Four nations were honored with promotions including our respected executive officer, Hakketomat, and Knights 104 Banbury Road, Louisistan and Ater Nox.
- TITO Day 2018 (8th May) was celebrated with furor and festivity. Many badges and pins were awarded, along with Kanta Hame being awarded the prestigious Anime Daisuki Cross. Congratulations!
Around the Islands
- Shy Guy was chosen as the emissary to The Order of the Grey Wardens, after Sorya stepped down from the position. Thank you for your work, Sorya, and congratulations to Shy Guy.
- Kozmix has been chosen the emissary to Capitalist Paradise after Siuts stepped down. Congratulations!
- A 1,000,000 taco raffle is underway, and we urge all our diplomats to buy their tickets (2000 tacos per ticket only) for a chance to win BIG!!!
- The Mad Surfer was recently granted their own board for writing and developing their newspaper.
- Major wage reform thanks to Paffnia has helped hard working Islanders get the pay they deserve, on time, every time.
- Taco Island:
~ BREAKING NEWS IN TACO ISLAND brought to you by Lethoica, the rumor mill scandal master.
~ Interviews are ongoing for the Taco Island Accounting Firm's Manager. If you have what it takes, go on and apply today! ?
~ The Hurricane has a story to tell! It is very believable.
~ Sign up for WW 61- The Millennial Mafia hosted by Kozmix.
~ Find the latest release of the Mad Surfer here.
May's Special Feature: The WA Delegate

The World Assembly Delegate of XKI is the most powerful elected office in the Region, and is the spearhead of internal, foreign and World Assembly affairs in the region. We sat with Alkasia, a Delegate with a decent outreach, and examined his office a little, to see what was their take on XKI's life is.
Kozmix: Thank you for agreeing to take time off your busy schedule, Alk!
Alkasia: No worries!
Kozmix: My first question to you would be this: What makes the position of a WA Delegate special in XKI? What makes it that coveted office, which only 32 nations have held in the last 15 years of our region's existence?
Alkasia: The position of WA Delegate in our region goes far beyond the simple voting on resolutions and garnering endorsements. It is a position of power where one can make real and lasting change to the region. The Delegate has far-reaching powers on foreign affairs and can shape it how they wish. Their impact is seen across the region, from the embassy board to the interregional community. In comparison, Senators have much more focused powers in certain aspects of the region. I believe many see it to be a stepping stone, an introduction to the administration of the region and the Council itself that they can use to further prospects as a Minister or Delegate. That being said, Senators are critical to the function of our region and being one is great experience to have.
Essentially, the Delegate is the face of 10000 Islands interregionally and, to an extent, domestically. Their image reflects on the region as a whole and they have the potential to make more executive and impactful decisions on their own, while also getting larger ideas through the Council.
Kozmix: That is fair. The Delegates of 10000 Islands have all been involved members of this region, whether it be militarily, on the diplomatic front, or in regional affairs. Which leads me directly to my next question: Does maintaining this balance feel pressuring at times? What factors do you take into account when faced with critical decisions, such as embassy requests and the like?
Alkasia: 10000 Islands always comes first in my decisions. I represent the region and its people and they will always be what matters most in my thought process. That being said, I also want to do my best to make sure that things like embassy requests and other interregional decisions have mutual benefit for both XKI and the other respective regions. I take no pride in one-sided decisions that only benefit XKI at the expense of friends or allies. I want the choices I make to go beyond just benefitting our region and make a positive impact on others.
Specifically with embassy requests, we can look at the recent declination of an embassy with Enadia. It was my personal opinion that a formal friendship with the region would not presently benefit XKI due to their recent controversial actions. But I want to view that denial not as a simple rejection but as encouragement for the region to do better and fix the issues that have caused backlash from the community. If they were to remedy these things, I would be much more open to supporting an embassy with them. It is my overall desire to improve both regions with the establishment of diplomatic relations, whether it be through an initial denial or an acceptance.
Kozmix: A positive message from a seemingly negative outcome. That is a beautiful message.
And speaking of messages, you must receive multiple telegrams from resolution authors and WA campaigners. What is your criteria for approving a WA proposal. Has it ever been that you approved a proposal but voted against it?
Alkasia: To be entirely honest, I haven't approved many WA proposals. The General Assembly is something that I still don't consider myself well-versed in, so approving those on my own is a bit tougher. A really persuasive campaign telegram could sway me though. However, when an Islander asks me to approve a proposal I always oblige unless it is clearly contrary to the region's interests. Even if the proposal is destined not to reach quorum, it is that Islander's desire for it to do so. For Security Council proposals, it's a bit easier. In cut-and-dry liberation proposals like Liberate The Monarchist Entente, that's an instant approval from me. Commendations/Condemnations I use my own judgement on.
And yes, I have had to vote against certain things I've approved in the past. When an Islander asks me to approve something that makes it to quorum, but the vote of the Islands goes contrary to the wishes of that Islander, I will have to vote against it.
Kozmix: That's quite reasonable and the fact that you look out for the Islanders' opinions on WA proposals in vote is truly commendable.
Let's move on. I myself haven't been around for very long, but in that time, XKI seems to have shifted its stance on certain foreign policy aspects. Is my observation correct? Is this something that you believe is for the better?
Alkasia: I would say at the core our foreign policy remains as strong as ever. But the direction has shifted some and I do think it's been for the better. My foreign policy goal is essentially to bring the region closer to the rest of the community, as I believe we've become a bit separate from them. We've been rather slow to transition to new customs and while other regions have become more interconnected, ours remains somewhat removed. My hope is to speed us up a bit and get us back into connection with the rest of the world.
Kozmix: If I was to raise a particular aspect of this specifically, that being Culture and RP, what is your opinion on the multiple NS wide events? Would you like to participate, spectate and allow the same for other Islanders?
Alkasia: It would of course have to depend on who's hosting and what the event entails. I can't see XKI participating in something like RaiderCon ?. But yes, I would like XKI to participate in more interregional events. The feeders and some other regions tend to organize a lot of festivals and those always turn out to be pretty fun. Getting more involved in that is something I'm looking into and I hope to co-host a festival with friendly region(s) in the near future.
Kozmix: My last question to you: Is there anything you would like to tell our respected embassy regions?
Alkasia: Most importantly, thank you for your continued friendship. Whether you're a region that just had an embassy established or one that's been alongside us for years, your camaraderie is always greatly appreciated. Secondly, my inbox is always open. If you wish to organize an interregional event, discuss other things of importance, or even just want to chat, you can contact me by telegram, personal message on the XKI forums, or on Discord (Alk#0216). I look forward to developing relations further and bringing 10000 Islands closer to the interregional community and especially closer with all of you.
Important Links:
Alkasia on NS
Alkasia on Proboards
Alk#0216 on Discord
Written by Kozmix