Forest Photo Contest 2024
Welcome to the tenth annual iteration of the Forest Photo Contest! At first, I was going to call this the ten-year anniversary of the event, celebrating a decade of photo-contest-ing. But then I realized that the tenth yearly iteration of something actually occurs only nine years after the first one, just like how “technically” 2001 was the start of the third millennium. Counting things is annoying. And either way, that’s a pretty long time!
The first Forest Photo Contest was in 2015, organized by then-Culture Minister Frieden-und Freudenland. Since then, it has given us the chance to mark the end of each year and reflect back on it for at least a moment before diving into the next one. Whether you’ve participated for all the iterations, or this is your first time – and whether you’re a Forestian denizen or a friend from one of our embassies – we invite you to join in for another year of photography!
(Note: This year we’re getting started a little later than usual thanks to my RL busyness, but all should hopefully be set from now on! My apologies for making everyone wait… I’ve adjusted the submission and voting timeline accordingly.)
Here’s what you need to know:
🌲 We have four categories once again this year:
- Trees (this category is permanent each year)
- Animals (should be pretty self-explanatory–but feel free to be creative!)
- Horizon (the meeting of the above and the below: heavens and earth, skylines with or without buildings, limits of vision and perception)
- Rock (the abiotic, mineral material we all live on, at any scale: geologic features, cliffs and caves, boulders, pebbles, sand, or even stone buildings)
🌲 You may submit up to 12 photos total. You may choose how to divide those among the different categories, but please do not submit more than 12.
🌲 Please post your photos in the appropriate thread on our forums (see the categories above for links).
. You may also submit photos via a link to an image hosting site (we like Imgur) in a telegram to Mount Seymour or via Discord to @somyrion.
🌲 The photos must be taken by you, but can be taken at any time (not just during the contest).
🌲 Anyone in Forest or in a region which has an embassy with Forest may submit photographs for the contest.
🌲 Timing:
- Submissions will be open from December 13 at 23:59 UTC (7:00pm Dec 13 EST) to January 2nd at 23:59 GMT.
- Voting will begin on January 3rd at 23:59 UTC and end January 10th at 23:59 UTC.
🌲 Voting will take place on a Google Form. Needless to say, please no puppeteering!
🌲 The photographers with the top three photographs in each category will have their photos acknowledged on our RMB, on our World Factbook Entry, and potentially in our next foreign update. A banner will also (hopefully) be created with a collage of the top photos to applaud the winners, and participants in the competition will be encouraged to add it as their nation’s custom banner. Forest’s flag will also be changed to the 1st place photos in each category for a week after the Contest.
Now it’s time to head out and start photographing! Good luck to everyone!
Any questions about the Contest should be directed to Mount Seymour.